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Shared Inquiry Discussions

Shared Inquiry is an active and collaborative search for answers to questions of meaning about a text. It is a research-supported method of learning that promotes deeper thinking through reading, discussion, and writing.

Rooted in the Socratic method, Shared Inquiry is distinct in its focus on high-quality texts and the participation of a trained leader who helps participants arrive at their own well-reasoned interpretations of the text.

The Dragon & Eagle Dialogues are a way for young people to get together and learn from one another.

Peace through Mutual Understanding

We find our greatest strength and beauty as human beings when we creatively cooperate to address issues that are a concern to us all. The aim of the Dragon & Eagle Dialogues is to bring students, teachers, and other Nanshan community members together to critically analyze and discuss a particular issue in depth, learn more about a particular issue about it through dialogue and other activities, and

imagine and take action based on newly found concerns or understandings.

Read. Think. DISCUSS. Grow.

Multiple Perspectives

Because Shared Inquiry promotes active listening and sharing of multiple perspectives – not for the purpose of determining the best answer – but rather to understanding that there is more than one way to answer a question, it is an ideal method for cross-cultural learning driven by the rich dilemmas and lessons contained in our collective folklore.

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